Test Code LAB228 Throat Culture
Additional Codes
CPT Code: 87070
Antibiotic susceptibility tests are not routinely performed on pneumococci or beta-strep isolated from upper respiratory tract.
If culture for gonorrhea is requested, see Culture, Neisseria gonorrhoeae (GC) (GCCU).
Performing Laboratory
TidalHealth Peninsula Regional - Microbiology
Specimen Requirements
Specimen must arrive within 24 hours of collection.
1. Obtain specimen using a culture transport swab. (Improperly labeled specimen, dry swab, or
specimen received >24 hours of collection is not acceptable.)
2. Tilt patient’s head back to assist in opening of mouth as wide as possible.
3. Depress tongue with a tongue depressor so swab does not touch oral mucosa or tongue.
4. If patient has complained of 1 spot being sore, swab that area well.
5. In 1 continuous motion:
A. Swab 1 tonsillar area up then down.
B. Move to back of throat as far down as possible and swab there.
C. Move to other tonsillar area and swab.
D. Swab behind uvula and remove swab.
6. Return swab to culture transport tube.
7. Label tube with patient’s name (first and last), date and time of collection, type of specimen, and collector’s
8. Send specimen refrigerated. Maintain sterility and forward promptly.
Note: Specimen source is required.