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Page 1 of 9 Tests Beginning with H 210 entries

HIBSG  Haemophilus influenzae Type B Antibody, IgG, Serum Mayo Clinic Laboratories in Rochester
LAB000 - Enter Specimen typ...  Hake, Fish, IgE, Serum Mayo Clinic Laboratories in Rochester
LAB1562  Halibut, IgE, Serum Mayo Clinic Laboratories in Rochester
LAB000 - Enter Specimen typ...  Haloperidol, Serum Mayo Clinic Laboratories in Rochester
LAB1583  Hamster Epithelium, IgE, Serum Mayo Clinic Laboratories in Rochester
LAB89  Haptoglobin TidalHealth Peninsula Regional - Special Chemistry
NUTHX  Hazelnut-Food Components, IgE, Serum Mayo Clinic Laboratories in Rochester
LAB4250  Hazelnut-Food, IgE with Reflex to Hazelnut-Food Components, IgE, Serum Mayo Clinic Laboratories in Rochester
LAB614  Hazelnut-Food, IgE, Serum Mayo Clinic Laboratories in Rochester
LAB000 - Enter Specimen typ...  Hazelnut-Tree, IgE, Serum Mayo Clinic Laboratories in Rochester
LAB2813  HCG Quantitative (BHCG) TidalHealth Peninsula Regional - Core Laboratory
LAB101  HDL Cholesterol TidalHealth Peninsula Regional - Core Laboratory: Chemistry
HRTVS  Heartland Virus, RNA, Molecular Detection, PCR, Serum Mayo Clinic Laboratories in Rochester
HRTVC  Heartland Virus, RNA, Molecular Detection, PCR, Spinal Fluid Mayo Clinic Laboratories in Rochester
HMUOE  Heavy Metal Occupational Exposure, with Reflex, Random, Urine Mayo Clinic Laboratories in Rochester
HMUCR  Heavy Metal/Creatinine Ratio, with Reflex, Random, Urine Mayo Clinic Laboratories in Rochester
LAB832  Heavy Metals Screen with Demographics, Blood Mayo Clinic Laboratories in Rochester
LAB 3753  Heavy Metals Screen, with Reflex, 24 Hour, Urine Mayo Clinic Laboratories in Rochester
LAB000 - Enter Specimen typ...  Heavy Metals, Hair Mayo Clinic Laboratories in Rochester
LAB000 - Enter Specimen typ...  Heavy Metals, Nails Mayo Clinic Laboratories in Rochester
HEG1  HEG1 Immunostain, Technical Component Only Mayo Clinic Laboratories in Rochester
None  Helicobacter Pylori Antibody Peninsula Regional Medical Center
LAB572 - (>3 yrs old)  Helicobacter pylori Breath Test Mayo Clinic Laboratories in Rochester
LAB4031  Helicobacter pylori Culture with Antimicrobial Susceptibilities, Varies Mayo Clinic Laboratories in Rochester
LAB4004  Helicobacter pylori with Clarithromycin Resistance Prediction, Molecular Detection, PCR, Feces Mayo Clinic Laboratories in Rochester